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该产品适用于炼钢中作为钼元素加入剂,是冶炼合金钢、工具钢、不锈钢、模具钢的添加剂,用于耐磨、耐热铸铁件生产中,普遍用于冶金建材 机械、地质等行业。

牌号和化学因素  Grade and Chemical Composition


Technical Requirements: Conduct as per National Standard GB3649-87.Ferromolybdenum is divided into 9 classes depending on different content of molybdenum and impurities of which the chemical composition shall be in accordance with the standards in the following table:


物理状态  Physical State

1、产品以块状交货,块度规模为10-100mm, 10x 10mm以下粒度不得凌驾该批总重量的5% ,允许少量块度在一个偏向最大尺寸为80mm.

Products shall be delivered in lump, size range: 10-100mm, amount of particles below 10x 10mm shall not exceed 5% of the total weight of the same batch, small amount of particles with maximal size of 80mm in one direction is allowed.

2.如用户有要求,可提供10~100mm,10~50mm, 10mm以下差别粒度的产品。每种粒度规模所允许的上、下限的重量百分数,由供需双方商定。

If required by users, products with particle size below 10~100mm, 10~50mm and 10mm can be supplied. Allowed weight percentage of upper and lower limit of each particle size shall be decided by both parties.


Particle size shall be decided by both parties if users have special requirements.

用  途  Application


This product is used as additives of molybdenum elements for steel-making and as additive for smelting of alloy steel, tool steel, die steel,and is used in the production of wear-resisting and heat-resisting iron castings, so it is widely applied to industies as metallurgy and building material, machinery, geology, etc.

包装储运  Packaging and Storage & Transportation

产品接纳铁通包装和袋包装,每件为50Kg、100Kg两种, 用户有特殊要求可商定储运。保管防水、防潮,可代庖托运。产品品质磨练、组批包装等方面一律按GB3650-85执行。

This product shall be packed in iron bucket and bags, there are 50kg and 100kg, two kinds, storage & transportation shall be decided by both parties if there are special requirements by users. Pay attention to waterproof and damp-proof for storage and consignment can be conducted. Product quality inspection and component batch packaging shall be conducted according to GB3650-85.
